Dear blog,
This is my first post since graduating and becoming a fledging illustrator. I've been living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn now for about 2 weeks and I'm having a great time. I actually had an interview at a T-shirt company that does most of the in-house graphics for Wet Seal, Hot Topic, and Spencer Gifts. My interview went pretty well, blog, you'd be proud of me. I think the guy was really impressed with my portfolio and my edgy drawing style which he deemed "Hot Topicy". I don't mind that label as I used to frequent that store in my angsty teenage years.
It's funny in a way, blog, becuase I was just in Hot Topic wondering who draws their shirts and how much fun I thought it would be if I could do that. I can see you're getting excited, I am too. It's important not to get too exited yet because I still have to hear back from the guy about my first assignment. If I can impress him then the job is most assuredly mine. If not, then I'm out on my ass again hitting the streets and begging for change.
Getting back on track, I had to design a t-shirt that was inspired by the Ed Hardy style that's EVERYWHERE right now. (somehow I missed it, It's apparently a west coast thing) and put my own spin on it. Here is the result.
I hope it pleases.