Sunday, December 23, 2007

Larry David Caricature

Dear blog,

Here's how my Larry David Caricature turned out. I'm not pleased with it really, but i did try a new technique.


Anonymous said...

Basically a nice treatment but you've got him bordering on alien. A difficult subject to do credit to as he is actually an extremely beautiful man who has a smile or laugh ready to show those wonderful teeth you need to capture a more bewildered expression. His eyes look mean in your painting his calculation of the human race is one of deep perception not nastiness in a vacuum. Go for the bewildered or the one where he tries to look into the soul of the would be liar. You will be facing a lifelong challenge I daresay he is enigmatic charismatic and magnetic. ANy other tautology I can muster to help with the next caricature to engender the caricature try a more portrait approach to get the essence and give warmth to him.

Greg Caggiano said...

thanks for the crit! nice comments. yeah, i do know waht youre saying about his other looks. he doe actually smile a lot.