Dear blog,
for years I harbored a dark secret. I was not a pro at Adobe Illustrator. It has haunted me ever since graduation and ruined a few really positive job opportunities for me.
Thanks to Kristin Varner and the good folks at
Noble Desktop, that is no longer the case! I strongly recomend this place if youre in the NYC area and need to bone up on your creative suite. They also offer tons of free seminars, 6 of which im signed up for next month with classes ranging from Intro to HTML to Advanced Fashion Retouching. Should be a blast
I just graduated from their 1 month Adobe Certified intensive Illustrator CS3 course and I have a strong working knowledge of the program now, so expect to see a lot of new vectors out of me in the coming months.
Here are some examples of exercises we had including one that I took some liberties with. (I hope I'm allowed to post this stuff)