Here's another Alex inspired drawing. I really like the way the sketch came out and I think it's going to turn into a finished piece. Nay, it SHALL turn into a finished piece. Maybe it will even go on some sort of shirt. I got hooked up with a fledgling young clothing company called MischEVEous that is geared toward marketing NYC artists. It's going to be a lot of fun because I get to make clothes that aren't trendy and lame
ie. 90's revival bullshit, Christian Audigear Ed Hardy bullshit.

The folks on top are Tim and Danielle. The bottom was inspired by my new chicken, Suki. What do you mean it comes off as really gay?!? You don't know anything about art, blog. yeah, now that I look at it more, that guys left shoulder is way off. it should be more toward the front of his body. Sometimes though, you have to break the laws of anatomy to draw a nipple. AND THAT'S THE MAGIC OF ILLUSTRATION! Cha cha cha!
I luv the Fly-mermaid!
So wispy and sweet that flies swarm!
Seth's Ma
Seth's Mom! thanks for cheking out my blog! seth and I had a blast up here last week.
I've got a piece I'm working on right now and when it's finished I'll give it to you.
I really love the Alex Bees sketch, there is something very alluring about it! you're a great artist!
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