Here's another of my friend, Shalini. I should also note that I took all the photos off of google image search, but never fear, these are just excercises and I have no intention of publishing, selling, or mass producing these in any way. Your intellectual property is safe with me! I just got a new digital camera so ill be able to take my own pictures when i get home.
Is'nt Shalini sassy, blog?
Sassy. That pretty much describes me. I like muchly and shall make it into new facebook image.
shalini is sassy! you should probably draw me next/finally.
ok alison
Greg keep on inspiring me to try new stuff. Thanks...
this reminds me of the snacks i used to get in the Camden, NJ vending machines... in a good way.. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://radar.spacebar.org/img/1064291370-249995841-thumb.gif&imgrefurl=http://radar.spacebar.org/f/a/weblog/comment/1/536&h=328&w=200&sz=26&tbnid=UHGaHvymjq65ZM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=72&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drap%2Bsnacks%26um%3D1&start=3&ei=b-OgR8Q9hdimBIXOwbQN&sig2=KSyWtA71kFcvKfDcwSu96w&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=3
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