Dear blog,
My friend Laura Walczack gave a great tip to check out this website where bands are reviewed / interviewed. It's called Daytrotter and I think my stuff fits in here really well. It's mostly indie rock bands and such.
So I sent my portfolio to Sean from Daytrotter and would you believe it, blog, he liked my work! I'm really excited about this gig, even though it doesn't pay its still going to be a lot of fun and its just another opportunity to get more eyes on my illustration.
It reminds me of doing those posters for the AV Space. That was such a blast.
I'm really excited. note, the one of the guy with the guitar is from a piece about Mike Kinsella from Owen/Joan of Arc/American Football. I would love to be able to draw him and have him use it in some way.
edit: I didn't draw any of these
heck yes!
love for daytrotter.
not to mention exclusive tracks from such interviewed bands!!! ftw!
self plug:: www.lauriebreaker.com
this is awesome
hey, i like your work!
congrats on the gig, sounds like a good opportunity.
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